Time is flying.
This is my most frequent complaint. This way that my perception of time continues to increase in speed over time.
I don't think there's any way to keep it from happening. But, I can continue to enjoy all those minutes like I have been recently. Here's a photo post to say "What's up?".
This is Jobin. He's called Baby right now but he will be coming home with me after the holidays to live at his new warm forever home. He's one of the five lab cats we have been fostering for the past few years at work. With an impending move coming early next year, we're all slowly taking these guys home. Jobin was the first who came to hang out with us, and he's awesome.
Babies on the couch by the christmas tree. Scenes like this are why I love to put our tree up right after Thanksgiving.
Fall trees, they're turning to winter now. Gainesville stays pretty green all year around, but there is a delightful mix of trees here in North Florida. Some of which burn orange and yellow and red until they fall and blow away.GLAM was a total blast this year. I wish I had the forethought to take more photos that day but I'm happy to say it was because I was so busy! There were shoppers lined up around the building for our opening and I met so many wonderful local art lovers. Our community so fully embraces the entrepreneur and it's wonderful to have been included among such talented peers. I definitely intend to dedicate a post to the sweet sweet stuff I grabbed either by purchase or trade.
Tomorrow we drive down to Sarasota to work at the Atomic Holiday Bazaar on Saturday and spend some much needed time with family and friends. Early is staying at Camp Gabe and Jenn with her buddy Foster. I'm hoping to eat my favorite food, make new friends, see old favorites, and sprint through this final stretch.
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