
I'm working on it

Yesterday Erin sent me along the press release for the gallery show in October - how exciting! A real press release that has my name in it and tells people that I make things and that those things will be on exhibit and for sale in an art gallery.
It is very hard to express the squeals of excitement that have come out of my mouth over this for you via the internet. I am both simultaneously excited and freaked out. I am relieved that the whole family and all the Betty's will have their items on display as well. A big party, with all your favorite people. It's a very non-harsh environment in which to reveal my enamelware and Etsy.com store to the world (hah).

Here are some little earrings I've made. They probably won't be sold on this kind of hardware, but that's what I had in the jewelry box today.

I finished writing up my storefront information; about me, store policies, shipping, etc. Etsy is so easy to use! I'm glad I signed up for an account way back when I did so that I can have a little more street cred with an anniversary date of about a year and a half a go and 8 whole positive feedbacks (from shopping, of course). I was contemplating setting up an additional account for selling, something with a new shop name not connected to my own. I even went so far as to procure this name for myself on etsy, blogger and wordpress should I ever change my mind.
Instead, I stuck with what I have. Having my real name connected to my store will keep consistency (and that anniversary date and feedback that is oh so important in my mind). I can also integrate my shop with my blog if it ever becomes something other than a part time hobby.

love, LindseyKaye - it has a fabulous ring to it, no? Also, I think it's sweet that upon sending people their purchases I can include my business card and it will serve as a slautation and thanks; a reminder that this was handmade with love.
I have yet to list any items - I'm waiting until most of what I'm making for the show and site launch are done to pick between them and figure out who will be sold where. Until then the shop is set to "vacation mode" with some information about the upcoming show. Hopefully if anyone stumbles upon it until then they will be intrigued enough by the pendant in my profile photo and the fact that I'll be in a real art show in a real art gallery to come back.

What do you think?

Simple and clean. That's what I'm going for these days.