Barney Stinson would agree that any man looks better in a suit. In our case, they were tuxes. Being thrifty and young we opted for rented tuxes for all the groomsmen. Our dads both went out and bought a nice black suit but we knew for sure that over half our wedding party wouldn't need a suit or tux for another 5 years at least.
Thanks Men's Wearhouse for making the guys look snazzy. Even if there were some last minute mis-measurements.
After all the running around back and forth from the Thomas Center, Collin was the only one lucky enough to snag a shower. While I was waiting (impatiently) for my mom to get back so I could put on my dress Collin and the guys started donning their own special duds.I didn't know until seeing this picture that all the ties you rent through them are clip-on. At least they go all the way around the collar though and aren't the kind of clip-on ties that snap to the very front. So obvious. I was so happy to see that they offered a non-hunter / non-kelly green tie option.
People were still coming and going like mad. Tyler (in the doorway) was our DJ and MC for the night. He got into Gainesville just shortly before we returned from the salon. Now that's cutting it close. He worked so fast transferring music between all our computers and arranging the playlists. He even managed to sneak in a few of his own tunes so we wouldn't know exactly what was coming.
On his way to the kitchen. I wasn't in my dress yet so I figured stealing a kiss couldn't hurt.
He also reminded me about all the boutainierres! Sitting in a box in the fridge, they were nearly frosty when I pulled them out but each one kept its shape all through the day. Collin's was my favorite by far.
I don't think a single one of them really knew how to pin these guys. I don't really either.
See? This is his, "What am I doing now?" face.
One more fix to the collar and you're ready to go.
The groomsmen made their way out on to the porch as each of them finished up, clearing space in the chaotic house. There was so much in-and-out that day I couldn't have told you who was inside and who was out for the life of me. I'm sure we made quite a sight for the neighbors and passers-by. It was at this point all the bridesmaids and moms were in the dining room helping me step into my gown for the first (and last) time.
Team McLeod : Suit Up!
Posted by lindsey kaye at 21:15
Labels: wedding recap
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